Posted by: bizsale | April 19, 2010

Goal of marketing significantly different in small company vs. large company

Some new business owners and entrepreneurs that have a work history with a large company struggle because they believe that replicating how large companies do things on a smaller scale is the key to success. After all, they reason, if the large companies are successful, their best practices should merit imitation. Yet, there are significant differences between a small company and a large company that must be considered. For example, many large companies already have strong brand name recognition and are now striving for market share, whereas most small companies are striving to simply develop market awareness and an initial sale from their target customers.

In the April 1, 2007 issue of Inc. Magazine the CEO of Sam Adams Brewing shares information on how small companies can more effectively and inexpensively approach marketing: Jim Koch on the Secret to Effective (and Cheap) Marketing

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